becky chalsen is a novelist living in new york city. her debut novel kismet was published in april 2023 by dutton.

Growing up with one older brother and three quadruplet sisters, Becky has long found sanctuary in stories. One might even call it a namesake - while she is the only one of her sisters to not share a name with a Little Women character, she was named after Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, her mother’s favorite book.

When not writing, Becky works as a film/TV development executive at the production company, Sunday Night. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania where she studied History and English. Read more about her career journey here.

Becky is married to her high school sweetheart, an identical twin. (and yes, if Becky read a story about a quadruplet married to a twin who she met in kindergarten, she would also say “feels a bit unrealistic!”)

becky’s sophomore novel, serendipity, will be published by dutton in June 2024.